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Soren T. Christensen is the Founder & Chief Planning Officer of Advanced Wealth Advisors, LLC in Naples and Fort Myers, FL. He serves his clients as a comprehensive financial advisor, specializing in financial planning and wealth management. Read below to learn more about his experience in the industry and the financial planning and wealth management strategies he finds important.

Would you describe your experience in the financial services industry?

I have decades of experience in the financial services industry. Clients have primarily asked me for assistance with retirement planning and asset management. These are two very important areas in the financial planning and wealth management field.

Would you describe your educational background?

I have a Bachelor’s degree from New York University as well as a Master’s degree from the University of Florida with a focus on finance. I have also studied investment analysis and management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.

Do you have any advanced financial planning or wealth management accreditations?

I have the advanced finance designations of Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Investment Management Analyst®, and Chartered Financial Consultant® professional. As a result of achieving these designations, I have extensive training in investment, retirement, insurance, tax, and estate planning. These accreditations also set and maintain high ethical standards, with rigorous enforcement.


As financial advisors who specialize in wealth management, we get a lot of questions about estate planning. Wealth management is about five common planning areas – investment, retirement, insurance, tax, and estate planning. Here are some of the most common questions we get regarding estate planning:

How are my assets transferred after my death?

Your assets are transferred at death through several mechanisms:

Operation of law: Assets are transferred according to the laws of the land. An example here would be a joint account. If one of the joint owners dies, the asset transfers to the other joint owner by law.

Operation of contract: There are several potential variations of this, including life insurance policies, retirement plan death benefits, pre- and post-nuptial agreements, and more. Many contracts and accounts give you the ability to add beneficiary desginations so that the asset passes to that person upon your death.

Operation of probate: Any assets that do not pass by operation of contract or law will go through probate court. If there is a last will and testament, this will tell the court who gets what, but it must still go through the probate court process. Even worse, if you did not have a will, then the probate court will decide how assets are disctibuted based on the state’s intestacy rules. Intestacy means someone died without a will.


Reviews are an important part of your asset management process. Your financial advisor should discuss how your investment management plan has performed, if it is still in line with your goals, if it is addressing any concerns you have, and make sure that you understand and feel confident about your plan.

Because your investment management review is so important, knowing what to ask is a must. In the following two blogs, we will outline the three big questions you should ask in order to get a full picture of your finances, whether you’re working with us, or with someone else.

Question 1: How did we do?

  • How did my investment portfolio perform?
    • Your investment advisor should be able to provide a detailed summary of how your portfolio performed and relate that to the overall markets.
  • What caused under-performance/over-performance?
    • It is important to understand why your portfolio performed the way it did. Did it meet your expectations, or did it miss the mark? Make sure you understand why it performed how it did.
  • What were my total all-in fees this year?
    • Asking for “all-in” or “total” fees will help ensure you learn about all the fees you were charged. Do you pay transaction charges? Are there fees within any funds you own? Also review how your investment advisor is compensated.

No one hires a financial advisor for wealth management help just for the fun of it. You hire a financial advisor to get results.. In our previous blogs, we have talked about questions to ask a potential financial advisor, and once you’ve found the right one for you, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your wealth management relationship:

  • Make your goals and objectives clear – We all have different wealth management goals and objectives, and your financial advisor can’t help you reach those goals if they don’t know what they are. Make it clear what your goals are from the beginning. If you’ve found a good advisor, they will be able to tell you if your goals are attainable or not, and they will be able to come up with a concise financial plan for helping you to get where you want to be financially.
  • Take a leap of faith – If you have been handling your finances on your own your entire life, it can be difficult to give up the reins and trust someone else to provide you financial advice. However, if you can’t trust your financial advisor, you are just wasting your time and your money. It’s okay to ask questions and to clarify things, but if you’ve found a good financial planner, they will do right by you, your goals and your finances.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff – The market is full of ups and down, and if you are going to let fear overtake you with every market gyration, then you may want to reconsider your wealth management plan. Your wealth manager is there to help you to reach your long term financial goals, and you are paying him or her to do so! So, if you are nervous, take a deep breath and remember that you have a financial planner working on your behalf.
  • Be upfront about your financial situation – Your financial advisor is there to help, so there is no point in skirting around your debt, poor financial decisions you’ve made in the past, unhealthy spending habits or a dependent family member. The more your financial advisor knows about your financial situation, the better they will be able to help create a proper wealth management and financial plan.
  • Tell them how you prefer to communicate – Do you love nothing more than a well-constructed graph? Do you hate talking on the phone? Are you unreachable on Tuesdays? Everyone has their own communication preferences, and the better your financial advisor knows your communication style, the better they will be able to serve you!

Many people can benefit from hiring a qualified financial planner. They can help you create a plan for today, and tomorrow. Whether you’re in the wealth accumulation, distribution, or preservation phase of your life, speaking with a financial planner will likely help you determine a plan that’s right for you.

It’s Never Too Early to Start Investing

The earlier one starts financial planning, the better. Albert Einstein once said, “the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest.” By starting early, and allowing your investments to grow over a long period of time, you can take advantage of the benefit of compounding. This is especially true if you have income-producing investments that allow you to reinvest your dividends or interest.

You Have Money You Want to Invest

There’s an old saying that goes something like this – you’ve worked hard to earn your money, your money should work hard for you. If you have money sitting idly in cash and you would like it to work for you, you should sit down with a financial planner and come up with a long-term financial plan. Different investments are appropriate at different times of your life and it will also depend on your goals and your risk tolerance.


Many Americans can benefit from working with a financial advisor; however, some are concerned about the price. We all make investments in ourselves and our families. Hiring a financial advisor can be an investment in your financial future. Financial planning can be a complicated process, and it’s often advantageous to have a partner with financial expertise.

Only in a perfect world would everyone have a financial advisor.

Unfortunately, many people attempt to do investment and retirement planning on their own with poor results. This is usually the result of trying to save money that otherwise would be spent working with a financial advisor. It’s important to have good self-awareness and know one’s limitations. Do you feel that you have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to manage your entire financial life? If not, it may be a good time to speak with a financial advisor.

How much does a financial advisor cost?

Financial advisors can be compensated in many forms, depending on how they are licensed, and how they choose to interact with clients. Some may charge an hourly fee, often in the range of $100-$250 an hour. Some may charge a flat fee, anywhere from $1,500-$4,500 depending on the complexity of the work. Most fee-based investment advisors charge a percentage fee on the assets that they manage, typically between 1-2%. As is the case with much in life, you generally get what you pay for. You may find that if you go with the lowest price, you get less quality. Make sure you think long and hard about who you are going to work with and focus on the ability of the financial advisor, not just the price.


A professional financial advisor can assist you with many issues surrounding your investment, retirement, and estate plan. Just a few meetings with a financial advisor may help you rest easier about your financial plan. It’s important to update your financial plan on a continuing basis and working with a financial planner who monitors things for you can make this job a lot easier.

It’s not always easy to find a financial advisor that you feel you can trust. To make sure that you are choosing a quality financial firm and financial advisor, you should ask these questions:

Personal Questions

  • How old are you? Although asking the age of someone may be deemed rude, it’s important for someone who is in need of financial advising. Through their age, you’ll be able to learn if they’ve been through difficult economic times and if you are older, you may want a financial advisor who is younger than you so you know it’s more likely they’ll be around as you age and need them more and more.
  • What’s your educational and certification background? You’ll likely want a financial advisor who has the proper certification background, such as someone who is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional (CFP®) or a Chartered Financial Consultant® (ChFC®). It’s also helpful to work with some one with an educational background in finance – like an MBA or a Finance degree.
  • How long have you been a financial advisor? As with any career, experience is a worthy attribute, especially in the financial world. You’ll want some one with experience in all markets, good and bad.
  • Do you accept fiduciary responsibility? Fiduciary responsibility is a legal term meaning the financial advisor you choose (or their company) has a fundamental obligation to put your best interest first, not theirs.
  • Have you or your financial company ever been sued or reported for legal actions? It’s always good practice to do your due diligence about who you’ll be working with.
  • What’s the largest, smallest and average portfolio you manage? Different advisors have different specialties. You must learn if the financial advisor you have contacted is suitable for you, your income and your financial needs.
  • Could you give me references of three clients? References are important when choosing a financial advisor. Speaking to an advisors current clients will give you a feel for their level of service and competence. Importantly, this can also highlight an advisors strengths and weaknesses.

Estate planning is not something that most people (if any) look forward to, but it is an essential part of wealth management. After all, no one wants to think about their own mortality. Unfortunately, if you don’t take the time now to plan what will happen with your estate when you’re gone, you could end up making one of these common mistakes. Estate planning isn’t simply putting money in certain accounts; it is a more complex process than that. Fortunately, if you have the correct information, estate planning doesn’t have to be difficult. You should work with a qualified wealth manager, with knowledge of estate planning, to ensure that you avoid these common estate planning mistakes.

Not Having a Will

When it comes to estate planning, many people are unaware of the importance of a will. Wills don’t just dictate who will get what once you pass, like a traditional will; it’s also important to have a living will, which will cover difficult situations in the event of a medical emergency. For example, a living will indicates whether or not you want to be taken off life support. When you take the time to prepare a will, you ensure that your wishes are heard, even if you can’t express them verbally, same with a living will. No matter how much money you have, it’s important that you prepare a traditional will that clearly states the rightful beneficiaries of your assets to hopefully prevent disagreements between your family members after you’re gone.


When it comes to retirement planning, women face different planning issues as compared to men. Statistically speaking, women tend to live longer, which means that not only do their retirement savings need to last longer, they are also more subject to inflation and possible tax changes which can eat away at their savings. In addition, women are statistically more likely to become caregivers to their children or elderly parents, which interrupts their income. In addition, statistics show that women participate less in retirement plans, draw less from Social Security, and face higher healthcare costs than men.


One of the greatest challenges women face for retirement is their possible role as caretakers. Statistics show that it’s more common for women, as compared to men, to take working income years off to care for children as well as to spend time and money caring for elderly parents in retirement. Many Baby Boomer and Gen X women are sandwiched between caregiving roles, caring for senior parents while still raising minors or supporting grown children.

Lower Income

Adding to the list of challenges of retirement, recent statistics show that women are also still earning less than men for the same work. This lower lifetime income means that women have less money to put into retirement plan accounts, not to mention the college funds and healthcare costs that can eat away from their savings. Lower lifetime wages also leads to lower social security benefits, as it is based on the top-earning 35 years of one’s life.


The majority of Americans do not have a retirement plan. A recent study by the National Institute on Retirement Security reported that 45 percent of U.S. households have no retirement assets. This means that many people will not be able to retire at all. On the other side of this, however, are working-age people who are not only ready to retire, they are prepared to do so before age 65. While this can feel like a pipe dream for some, if early retirement is your goal, it is possible with proper retirement planning. If you are looking to retire early, contact Advanced Wealth Advisors in Naples today for a retirement planner. We can help you with a realistic investing and savings strategy to ensure you have as many options as possible when it comes to your retirement. In the meantime, here are some essential steps to take if you want to make early retirement a possibility.

Make a Goal

If you’re going to get anywhere in life, you need to know where you want to go. This is especially true when it comes to your retirement goals. First, determine how much money you will need after you leave your job. A good estimate is between 70 and 80 percent of your current income. For example, if you currently make $100,000 a year, you need to plan for a retirement income of $70,000 to $80,000.


Asset management is a crucial part of ensuring your financial future. However, many investors make mistakes that cause them to miss out on the opportunity for investment success. This is why having an asset manager to guide you through investment planning is wise. An asset manager with the right expertise can help ensure that you make the most out of your investment plan. In this blog, we will outline some of the most common mistakes made by investors so you can try to avoid them.

Not Implementing a Plan

Investing without a plan is like going on a road trip without a map—you will get somewhere, but you will have no idea where until you get there. Having an asset management plan ensures that you’ll get where you need to be, keeping you in line with a long-term plan that suits your investment objectives. Any investment plan should include:

Goals: What are you trying to accomplish by investing? Are you trying to accumulate a certain amount for your child’s college fund or for your retirement? Be specific.

Risks: Consider what risks are significant to you at this time. Saving for your retirement in your 20s, you may not worry as much about volatility. On the other hand, if you’re near or already in retirement, volatility may be a chief concern.


If you have financial planning goals, such as paying off your debt or saving for retirement, it may feel daunting to think about how you will achieve those goals. Fortunately, you don’t have to start working 80 hours a week to have more money to allocate where you want it. However, you will have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. When most people think about living more frugally, they assume that they can’t do anything and their lives will be boring, but this doesn’t have to be the case. You can use your money to save, grow your investments, or pay off your debts instead of needlessly spending it, and still be happy. It’s time to set up a financial plan.

Buy Used

Before you head to the store and buy that item you need brand new, look for an opportunity to buy it used to save on expenses. Instead of heading to IKEA to replace a broken chair, check out Goodwill first. If your laptop breaks and needs to be replaced, try asking your friends and family if they have an old one they would sell you for less, or look on Craigslist for used laptops. There are many opportunities to save money simply by not buying new. This is great financial planning.

Dine Out Less Often


Deciding whether or not you need a financial advisor is a big decision; however, deciding to go with a skilled advisor from Advanced Wealth Advisors is beneficial in many ways. If you’re looking to hire a skilled financial advisor, here are some traits you should look for.

Skilled Listener

Not every financial advisor will be able to listen to you and truly understand what you’re saying. If the financial advisor is doing all of the talking, there’s no way they are truly getting to know you. Some financial advisors try to fill all the silence during a discussion, but silence after a tough financial question is often a good thing as it means you, the client, are carefully considering your answer. A financial advisor who is good listener will understand and follow you where you want to take the financial planning conversation.

In Tune with Self and Others

A financial advisor must be in tune with themselves and others around them. Being conscious of their own feelings will help them understand how others are feeling. A successful financial advisor can connect with others on another level. To keep things simple, you need a financial advisor who will be there with you through thick and thin, good times and bad, and will help you succeed.


Are you headed toward retirement? If so, this is a significant lifestyle change, and there are many things to consider. At Advanced Wealth Advisors, we want you to be able to head into retirement with confidence, knowing you have all of your ducks in a row. That is why we offer retirement planning services. In the next few blogs, we are going to explore several helpful questions to ask yourself about your future outside of the workforce.

What does an ideal day in retirement look like?

Finances are part of a retirement plan, but they are not everything. Even if you are well-supported, if you leap into retirement without any purpose, you will probably find yourself feeling lost and depressed. We recommend you sit down and plan your ideal day hour-by-hour. Know exactly what you will do when you wake up and what you will do before you go to bed. This foundation will be a huge help to you!

Do you have current debt?

Retiring with debt can lead to a very stressful situation. Many people are working longer and longer these days in order to pay off their debts. When you connect with Advanced Wealth Advisors, we will be able to assess your current financial situation and help guide you to success. Work with a financial advisor to determine what level of debt is appropriate for you in retirement, if any. Many people wish to enter retirement debt free, reducing worry and stress.


If you have sought out even the most basic wealth management advice, you have heard this phrase before: spend less, save more. This is sound financial advice for a couple of reasons. First, many things you will want or need to spend money on will cost more than you make in one month. For example, if you are buying a house, you will need to come up with a down payment, which is typically 20% of the purchase price. If you spend and never save, there is no way for you to come up with that cash on the spot. In addition, presumably, you may one day no longer be able to work, or will not longer want to work. If you ever intend to retire, what will you do without a steady stream of income if you haven’t saved?

Despite the rather obvious truth that if you spend all your money, you won’t have any left to save or invest, you may still find yourself with a low balance the last couple of days before pay day every time. Let’s take a look from a wealth management standpoint and see exactly how much your unbridled spending is costing you.

Opportunity Cost

A qualified wealth advisor would tell you that the biggest issue with spending over saving is the opportunity cost. Let’s say you buy a car with a loan, and the payment is $400 a month. You can fit it in your budget so this purchase isn’t above your means, so you may think that it isn’t costing you more than that. In reality, this expense is costing you far more due to opportunity cost.


Whether you are new to the financial planning world or you’ve worked with an advisor before, it is always good to make sure you understand how financial advisors are paid. At Advanced Wealth Advisors, we believe in absolute transparency – it’s the only way financial planning works for all parties involved. In the next few blogs, we are going to share the ways that advisors are compensated for their financial advice.


If you are willing to take advice and make it happen by yourself, hourly is a great way to work with a financial advisor. You can pay for an hour of advice and then go home and implement what you hear. Though hourly rates will vary from advisor to advisor, the fact that compensation is disconnected from investment values will ensure that you get objective advice. Plan on paying more for advisors with more experience and qualifications.

Retainer Fee

Sometimes, you need ongoing advice. This can be good for complicated situations like running a business or owning rental properties – you need someone to be there consistently. Like the hourly fee, a retainer fee isn’t connected to the value of your investments. Instead, the complexity of the situation and the experience of the advistor will factor into the fee you pay to have access to financial planning services.


Many people seek guidance from a financial advisor to help them build an investment portfolio that will help them throughout their retirement. However, many people feel intimidated by the financial planning process and by the financial advisor. Soren T. Christensen, founder of Advanced Wealth Advisors, seeks to reduce the stress people face when it comes to their financial planning.

Soren founded Advanced Wealth Advisors with the primary goal of guiding clients through their entire financial life cycle in the most straightforward manner possible. Working with your financial advisor at Advanced Wealth Advisors will likely be different from any other experience that you’ve had. Today’s blog is going to cover a few of the ways that you can count on our financial advisors being different from others.

Honesty & Transparency

Allowing for someone to work closely with your finances is difficult. It requires a relationship and an underlying trust. This is something that we make extreme efforts to do right out of the gate. Through honest and transparent communication, we are able to work with you to discuss your goals, create a long-term plan, and monitor and update this plan along your financial journey.
